Tuesday 19 June 2007

Child Sexual Abuse l

In this article, we see children potrayed as sexual objects. They are used to satisfy the sexual interests of debauched sexually depraved individuals.These innocent young victims are forced into sexual abuse and exploitation. I feel that this is a direct violation of human rights, furthermore this is children we are talking about. Children are weak, vulnerable and need guidance to live. By sexually abusing them , these sex offenders are instilling immense fear and scarring them for the rest of thier lives. The childern will think that sex is the norm since that what happens to them on a frequent basis. I belive that the government and the citizens can do so much more to protect these innocent victims. The parenst should keep an eye on their childern more,and the government can mete out heavier punishment ot these sex offenders to show to potential sex offenders that child sexual abuse is wrong and will be strongly dealt with.
In USA, we heard news of children missing everyday. What has the goevrnment and the parents been doing? As always, prevention is always the best cure. Parents can protect and keep an eye on the wherabouts of their children. The government can also prevent access to child pornogarpghy on the Net, like what the Media Authority of Singapore has done. This way, innocent childern can be protcted and child sexual abuse can be prevented :)

its here marn:
ya marn.
written by: Maizura lives forever more.

Monday 18 June 2007

Toxic Algae pose new health scare in China

New health scares and threats threatened us each day.We cannot be sure that we are perfecly safe in a war-free country. Seen here in China, green waters become their daily intake and supplement of their 8-glasses-of-water.

In my opinion, China must do something about its potable water.This is much more endangering than anything else as water is drunk by everyone that has access to it. The mere thought of our water being contaminated by algae such as this,would be a nightmare. Many people would fall sick and there might be another epidemic similar to the Birdflu and Sars cases.

We think about many ways to fight crime, terrorists and diseases. Now we may just have to think of ways to deter and fight back possible effects of the water we drink. As seen here, the cause of the algae infested waters are unknown.How are they to fix this problem?It is not easy to clean such a large water body that many people rely on for their daily use.

Our air is already very polluted and we need clean air to allow easy breathing.Now our waters are being polluted. Air and water is essential for our survival and without them we will die.Humanity is really taking advantage of their resources.We MUST remember that or resources are very limited (in this case of potable water,yes it is limited. As much as 3/4 of earth is covered by water). Slowly the Earth is dying on us due to our ignorance.If you realise,the weather is getting from bad to worse,where the temperature is increasing. Perhpas signs such as these will open society's eyes to start doing their part in preserving our environment hence preserving our needs.

Additionally here is a reminder to all who read this article to WEAR GREEN this Friday,Saturday and Sunday.To support Live Earth! (:

View the article here

Thursday 7 June 2007

S'pore must map out elderly-friendly community model

Singapore must aggressively map out an elderly-friendly community model within the next five years. This could include having elderly care centres within HDB heartlands to facilitate visits by family and friends.

Mr Lim is in Japan in his capacity as Chairman of the Ministerial Committee on Ageing. He said the republic must aggressively pursue targets to tackle the needs of a gradually ageing population. Visiting Sendai city, north-east of Tokyo, the Minister toured a centre that provides comprehensive day-care and residential programmes for the elderly.

The Sendai Finland Wellbeing Centre has a research and development unit that produces new elderly-friendly products, such as an emergency system for the elderly using wristwatches, and a remote control to open and close doors and curtains.

Click here to read the article

eBay poised to halt sale of ivory on its websites

Recently, eBay has announced that they will stop the international trade of ivory.
This is definitely a move that will help to decrease the number of endangered species being killed every year.

However, though eBay have posted rules which ban the sale of endangered species or wildlife products, but they are not able to monitor all the items that are posted.

Therefore everyone has to play a part either to stop purchasing items from endangered species or to stop selling these items.

check out this article here

Friday 1 June 2007

Bush pushes new climate change plan

US President George W. Bush said Thursday he would urge major industrialised nations at a summit next week to join a new global framework for fighting climate change after the Kyoto Protocol lapses...

read here

Thursday 31 May 2007

Free?Or Not?

ClicK Here

Ms Sun kyi is the leader of Myanmar's main opposition National League for Democracy.She has been now in detention for more than 11 of the last 17 years.(Home Arrest)

She's Nobel peace laureate yet the Military Junta says that she has disrupted peace ... ...

A different perspective in politics and a strong will to bring the country towards Democracy had caused her to spent most of her life at 'home',a life without freedom.

Who's right and who's wrong here?
The UN,EU and US calls to free her while Junta don't see the need to free her.

I think that Myanmar needs a person like her ,a forerunner to lead the country towards Democracy.There's little to hope for to overthrow the Military Junta if an influential person like her, is not freed.

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Who says disabled people can't break a record ?

Article on Disabled swimmer Theresa Goh who has rewritten two world records in Europe.
Read it HERE
... Once again, she has created a big splash! Disabled swimmer Theresa Goh has rewritten two of her world records, in the 50m and 200m breaststroke events.